
Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Hey there fellow culinary adventurers...

My name is Eyal Aharonov aka KOSHERFOODIE and I am a BIG TIME FOODIE. People always ask, "what's it like to be a foodie with so many restrictions on what you can eat?" I always answer "believe me, with the kosher food that exists around the world, you don't miss a beat."

I am actually a law student in Los Angeles, but spend months out of the year overseas exploring my passion for culture and food. The idea of creating a kosher foodie blog came about on a recent trip to Israel...devouring everything from Argentinian steak to Yeminite delights, it dawned on me that Jews from all over the world are meeting in one place to create amaaaaaaaaaazing food.

This blog will take you with me on a tantalizing culinary journey through the places I've been privileged to time you leave the country, prepare to have some incredible meals.

As always, feedback is highly encouraged!

Looking forward to sharing tasty stories!

Food love,



  1. I'll never forget that amazing steak you and I ate in Israel in December of 2008. Chimicurri, lien meat, great seasoning and two Argentinian's cooking it to perfection.

  2. Nothing compares to that all you can eat sushi on Ventura. Oh wait, you didn't get the all you can eat. Nevermind. It wasn't kosher so I guess you have a semi-legit excuse, maybe...
